I started with these tutorials:
Creating a Purchase Order Form - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/lcdesigner_qs_poform.pdf
Creating a Purchase Order Form That Has a Flowable Layout - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/lcdesigner_qs_poformflowable.pdf
The forms can be coded with Javascript or FormCalc. Sometimes you will use both. The Help included with LC is great, i have gotten many tips from there. The scripting does use prompting to try to make it easier to code, sometimes it helps but building your JS knowledge definitely will help.
Something to keep in mind about dynamic forms, they will work fully in Internet Explorer and Acrobat, but wont work well or at all in other browsers and mobile apps.
I have been creating LC forms for 3 or 4 years and only now my bosses are starting to see the potential of them.
The form you would like to create would not be too difficult. It does have to be a flowable form, the radio button code will have to specify checked and unchecked code.
The biggest tip i can give it to build your flowable form into multiple tables. Flowing your form compresses everything together, using tables of different sizes, rows and columns will make them much easier to handle with hiding and showing. Add blank table rows or just protected textfields in between for spacing...why protected? Protected fields are inactive and cant be tabbed to, a read only field will still be in the tab order.
I could go on and on. Welcome to LC.