Hoping that someone can help me with FormCalc code. I am a novice at LiveCycle and by no means a programmer. I am currently working on a form where several sets of START and END times (24hr clock) are entered - sometimes more than 10 sets.
The form is then supposed to calculate the difference between each set of times then give a total time.
START1: 14:00
END1: 14:30
TOTAL1: 0:30
START2: 14:45
END2: 15:35
TOTAL2: 0:50
START3: 15:40
END3: 15:55
TOTAL3: 0:35 TOTAL TIME: 01:55
START | 14:00 | 14:45 | 15:40 |
END | 14:30 | 15:35 | 15:55 |
TOTAL | 0:30 | 0:50 | 0:35 |
See the attached sample PDF form. http://1drv.ms/1SzWYPX
So far Ive been able to script the form to calculate the difference between START and END times in hours and minutes (24hr) in Formcalc without getting a negative result even when the END time is the next day by slightly tweaking a suggestion made in another thread on time-sheet calculations https://forums.adobe.com/message/3428679. However, I am unable to add all the times together to give an accurate total time in HH:MM.
I searched extensively for examples of script for adding hours and minutes in Formcalc, but I haven't found anything thus far. I would be extremely grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.
Is it possible to do this in Livecycle, that is add a set of time by referencing fields that were already scripted to calculate the difference between time?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.