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Webservice: Flex to CFC


Level 2

I'm triing to send a complex Object (AS) from Flex to a
simple test Webservice CFC.

If I create an Object in ActionScript an send this to my
Webservice, the Object will not be received from the CFC ( return
String is "NO").

How can I send a complex Object to my CFC and read the
variables ?

Thx for any help.




<cffunction name="writeTimerChange" output="false"
access="remote" returntype="String">

<cfargument required="no" name="Gewinnzeit"

<cfset ret = #isdefined("Gewinnzeit")#>

<cfreturn ret>



public class Gewinnzeit {

public var ID:int;

public var timestamp:Date;

public var gewinnzahl:int;

public var count:int;

public var gewinner:String;

public var gewinnerID:int;



1 Reply


Level 1
Can you post the mxml/as you are using to invoke the
webservice too. From what I can see here, what you are doing should
work. The AS Class should come into CF as a struct and back out as
a struct or generic AS Object() (if you returned it).
