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Using RenderPDFForm to render an xdp form held in a variable


Level 8
Level 8
Hi all,

I would like to know how I can render an xdp-form (held in a variable - I get it from the Content Services or filesystem) using RenderPDFForm.

As I see it I can't render the form if it is not in the repository, but this seems like an awkward limitation to me. Can this be true?

Thanks in advance


Kim Christensen
4 Replies


Level 10
You can.

You would have to leave the form url blank, and pass the XDP template in the data parameter in a document variable.

If you wanted to have data in your XDP, you would have to set the data node of the XDP with it.



Level 4


Can u please explain this step, "If you wanted to have data in your XDP, you would have to set the data node of the XDP with it."

Actually, my problem is, I am trying to renderPDFForm providing the repository url of an xdp form but its throwing com.adobe.document.xmlform.RenderException.

Can u provide some insight on this exception?

Thanks and Regards,



Level 8
Level 8

Hi again Jasmin,

Thanks for your reply - it works superbly.
