I'm using LC 8.2 and I've got a form I'm working on that has hidden subforms within hidden subforms.
I can't get the tab order to stick. I've tried setting to automatic, tried rearranging objects in the hierarchy palette and tried manually setting order but no luck. I thought automatic might work because it's quite a linear form.
Are there any tricks to dealing with tab order with hidden subforms?
Hmm...for me it screws up when I start opening the sub-subforms.
Like in the Black and White section, after clicking 8.5x11 and 11x17 the tab order goes to "Vol. 2" then to "Vol. 3", as it should, then goes up to the top left of the page, not to the subforms that opened up below those buttons.
I have no idea why that is getting messed up on your machine ....unless I am doing it wrong. Outline the steps that you are doing and I will try it again.
Ok, weird...it started mostly working for me except for a couple of fields that kept going out of place. It was definitely acting screwy for me before though.
I went in and renamed a bunch of fields to more specific names in case there were some sort of collision problems going on and now it seems to be working.
I still had to make a few attempts at ordering the tabs to get the settings to stick. A couple of times after explicitly reordering a couple of the tabs the settings wouldn't stick.
It seems odd though how even with everything ordered correctly in the hierarchy palette, setting tab order to automatic still messes some things up. And I tried to make sure everything on this form was laid out very linearly to try and avoid tabbing trouble!
And odder still that it seemed to work ok for you!