Hello,<br /><br />I have a form that I have created and added a submit to email button. Everything worked fine until an adobe update was done. I am using Lifecycle 8.0 and the users are using reader 8.1.2. It worked fine on the previous version. I am using Microsoft Office outlook 2007(recently updated too, but only on my PC. Have several others one 2003.) to send the emails across my Domain only. My script line for the email button is as follows...<br />"<field h="6mm" name="EmailSubmitButton1" w="34.925mm" x="152.8318mm"><br /> <?templateDesigner isEmailSubmitObject true?><br /> <ui><br /> <button/><br /> </ui><br /> <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/><br /> <caption><br /> <value><br /> <text>Submit by Email</text><br /> </value><br /> <para hAlign="center" vAlign="middle"/><br /> <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/><br /> </caption><br /> <border hand="right"><br /> <?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?><br /> <edge cap="butt" stroke="raised"/><br /> <fill><br /> <color value="212,208,200"/><br /> </fill><br /> </border><br /> <bind match="none"/><br /> <event activity="click"><br /> <submit format="pdf" target="mailto:User@address.com?subject=ATM Balance Sheet" textEncoding="UTF-8"/><br /> </event>"