Thank you very much for your effort Chetan. You've been very helpful. I just want to play with LiveCycle to see what it can do when used in conjunction with Flex and integrated with ColdFusion (since it's already set up as my standalone J2EE server). But I am having trouble figuring out exactly what and where to install. I'm assuming I need to be using LiveCycle Data Services. I installed the latest version, telling it NOT to install as a separate Tomcat server and to C:\lcds. I then wanted to integrate the latest versoin (2.6) with my CF install.I followed the following guide, which is a little lengthy and not exact, but I managed to get through it. was finished, so I kept trying to follow the getting started docs to run the testdrive-httpservice Flex project, but I kept running into steps that were missing in the tutorial and found errors in my setup left and right. For example, nowhere does it mention how to set up Flex so certain swcs can be included, or set which SDK you want to use. I figured out that I needed to select the one on the app server, which gets a little confusing, seeing as the example lcds-samples directory and the CF WEB-INF directories look very similar. There should really be a way to automatically update these services. Doing it manually introduces a much higher possibility of error from the user, and increases frustration when trying to troubleshoot b/c all the swcs and WEB-INF directories look the same.
Anyway, I got everything talking, but the samples I compiled in Flex would request data but never return any.
All I want is to be able to use the latest versions (CF 8.1, Flex 3.3), and whatever flavor of LiveCycle I need to get up and running learning the LiveCycle technology (presumably LCDS). There is a lot of documentation about installing it as a Tomcat server, but very little about installing it with ColdFusion. Those are really the only 2 ways of doing it, aren't there? I'm pretty sure I'm not doing this right, but a direct, step-by-step instruction, or better yet, an updater msi or pkg for each kind of setup would be great.
What is the best way and location to install/update LCDS on Windows XP for use with Flex and ColdFusion? I have looked all over but cannot find any info on actually installing it! Thanks in advance.