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Setting the Access of a subform


Former Community Member

I'm trying to set the access of a subform based on the value of a checkbox in another subform.    In the change event of the checkbox, if the rawValue == 1, then I attempt to set the access of the second subform to "protected".  If the rawValue == 0, I set the access of the second subform to "open". 

What actually happens is that the access of the second subform is unchanged.   In fact, when I try to even display the value of the access attribute of the second subform from the change event of the checkbox, the value displays a s null.  What am I doing wrong?

Here's the code that sets the access:  ('this' is the checkbox.)

if  (this.rawValue == 1) {

     parent.parent.subform2.access = "protected';


else {

     parent.parent.subform2.access = "open";


The hierarchy is this:





          < Other Objects>

Subform2 is a repeatable subform, so when I set the access to "protected", I also want to remove all instances except the first one. 

2 Replies


Former Community Member

First, what event are you coding against?

Second, I'd recommend removing parent references in this use case and point directly at the subform.

// form1.page1.subform1.cb::click - (JavaScript, client)

if (this.rawValue == 1) {

          form1.page1.subform2.access = "protected";


else {

          form1.page1.subform2.access = "open";




Former Community Member

I tried removing the parent references and specifically referencing the subform but it didnt' work.  However, I did find out how to do it from a co-worker.  Here's how.

In the checkbox change event of the checkbox  (this):

if (this.rawValue == 1) { //1

     var i = 0;

     var ref = xfa.resolveNode("MainForm.PageN.Subform[" + i + "]");

     ref.TextField.rawValue = null;                         //  repeat these two lines

     ref.TextField.access = "protected";                //   for every field you want to reset and set unavailable.

else {

     ref.TextField.access = "open";                         // repeat this line for every field to set available.


I haven't figured out how to travel through the hierarchy to do this, so I will have to set the rawValue and access for each individual field.