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reset button


Former Community Member
trying to use the rest button to only reset a image field or reset only one page of the form. can this be done???

8 Replies


Former Community Member
The reset is programmed to do the whole form. You would have to build your own reset by getting a list of objects on the page and resetting each field object individually.


Level 2
Hi Paul, Mark,

May i know how i can hide an image to a reset button?

i've tried the following to the existing script on the rest button but it doesn't work:


image1.presence = "hidden";

the reset data button doesn't work anymore.

Can you help? Thanks!


Former Community Member
I am not sure that I follow. Buttons do not have images associated with them. You can have objects overlaying each other so it looks like there is an image on your button but they are still 2 distinct objects.

If you have Acrobat hit Ctrl-J to bring up the java console and see if there are any errors reported.

Lastly, make sure your form is dynamic.


Level 2
Hi Paul, sorry, maybe i wasn't clear enough....

I have a reset button on my form, this will clear all form data when clicked.

I have an image which, when the user hit on reset button, it still remains visible. So i need a script on the click event of the reset button hide it or to make it invisible.

Not that there was an image on the reset button.


Former Community Member
To make the image invisible use imageFieldName.presence = "invisible"


Level 2
Hi Paul, I've used the above script onto the reset butoon, but it doesn't work and to no avail.... may i know, if there is a Yes/No radio button, what value does it return? is it "0" or "Off"?

can i script:

if (radiobutton.rawvalue = "0" && radiobutton.rawvalue = "Off")


Image.presence = "hidden";


i tried plotting the scripts onto different objects to see if it works.


Level 2
Hi Paul, Thanks.... I made it!