Hi all,<br /><br />This is a cross-post, but I'm getting desperate for an answer. I first posted this several months ago.<br /><br />I have a dynamic form I created with Livecycle Designer v7 which includes a Submit by Email button. When the form is used with the Reader v7, clicking this button displays a dialog box which asks the user to select their email method (desktop app or webmail). But when this button is clicked in Reader v8.0, this dialog box is not displayed - it just proceeds as though the desktop app was selected. This is very not good for my users, about half of whom use webmail. According to <a href="http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Reader/8.0/WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7dbd.html" target="_blank">THIS</a> Adobe help document, the Reader v8.0 should also display this dialog box. Does anyone have any information that might help me solve this problem? <br /><br /><a href="http://home.socal.rr.com/warisdumb/Example.pdf" target="_blank"<CLICK HERE</a> to see a copy of the form. <br /><br />Thank you in advance!