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Re: LiveCycle sending xml version bakc to us


Former Community Member
Hi there, we are new to this softward and only testing it at the moment.

We quickly created a form and sent the pdf version to our selves for testing. We completed the form and sent it back and we received an xml file.

Is this the normal? Can it be changed so that it sends a pdf file back to us insted?

3 Replies


Former Community Member
That's weird. I have the problem the other way around.

If someone wants to send the form back to my account, I do only receive the filled pdf - but I chose "xml" in my options. What is wrong there?

Back to topic: Malhyp, you have to create a simple button, then choose "Object" on the right, then "Control field" -> Sending an then go to the next register "Sending", type your page or mailto:youradresse@domain.com an choose "pdf". Thats it! (I think the names of the buttons an so on sound strange because I use the german version - so don't worry...)



Former Community Member
If you use the Email Submit Button object it is pre-configured to submit xml. If you want to change it delete that button, drop on a standard button, make it of type submit, then on the submit tab you can determine where to submit (mailto:address) and the submission type can be set. Note that if you are using Reader you can only submit XML unless you reader extend the form.