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Program Workspace for Specific Acrobat Reader Version


Former Community Member
I am using LC ES 8.0.

Is there a way to program Workspace to use a specific version of Reader? I want it to open Acrobat Reader version 8 or higher.

We have a few problems with some other older software that several hundred users are using and it requires them to use Acrobat Standard v6. I want to push Reader 8 to everyone and can specify that Standard or Pro are default if available but I want to make Workspace specifically use Reader version 8 or higher.

Does anyone know if this can be done programatically in Workspace?


2 Replies


Level 2
Once way to do it is if the process you are invoking uses the Render PDF Form, or a custom Render process that includes the renderPDFForm operation (from the Forms service), you can change a setting using the Acrobat Version property to Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8 or later.

You can get more details about the renderPDFForm operation and the Acrobat Version property at http://livedocs.adobe.com/livecycle/8.2/wb_help/000614.html.

Hope that helps!


Level 9
The only reliable way to do it is to add Javascript into your form.

