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Problem with Importing PDF


Level 4
Hi, newbie here using LC Designer in Acrobat 9 Pro.

When I am Importing a PDF into LCD, if the import options are set to "Create an Interactive Form with Fixed Pages", everything imports fine. However, I cannot edit properties of the form fields in Designer, I have to go back to Acrobat.

When using the option of "Create an Interactive Form with a Flowable Layout" (which should give me property editing capability), for some odd reason the same PDF now kicks up a Missing Font Dialog box which says I am using ArialMT in the original PDF (I am not) and when I choose Arial (or any other font) as the substitute font, the document opens with Kanji (I believe that is how you describe it) characters.

What is even more strange is that once the document is open, in selecting any of the text and going to the font indicator shows that it is using the substitute font I suggested, but of course, it is incorrect.

What in the world is going on here?
1 Reply


Former Community Member
The PDF can have fonts embedded in it that can be used to display the PDF the way the Developer of the form wanted it to be. When you import it into designer we cannot use fonts that are embedded, they must be on your machine.....so substitution is a must. Why the substitute font looks like Kanji I do not know. Can you post the form to Livecycle8@gmail.com so I can try it on my machine?