I have been asked to present "Developing Flowable Form Content" at a webinar sponsored by AcrobatUsers.com on Nov 30. I will cover various topics that have to do with Dynamic Forms but here is a sample:
You will not be able to verbally ask questions but the webinar has a Q&A pod and that will be manned by technically qualifed individuals that will be able to answer questions as they are asked.
If you are interested in attending you will need to pre-register. I have included a link to the registration page for your convenience.
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Hi Paul,
I need your help in attching files to a Pdf in which reader can upload all the files with my PDF. I have read all the thread info which you have for this topic. ButI was not able to ask you question in that thread as it is locked now.
I have also download the pdf which you have uploaded for this attch a file issue. I don't have Extension server at my end.
But I would like to kno whow can I make my fil einLifecycle designer so that when the user fills up th eform hecan attachor upload the supporting documents with my file. Please let me know.
Please email me your reply at:susan_etli@yahoo.com
This is very URGENt for me. I will be very very greatful to you if you can send me the info.
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Without Reader Extension you will not be able to do it. The Reader Extensions is required to enable Reader users to add atttachments to the PDF. If you are submitting the form via email then it is also required to do a local save of the document so it can be added as an attachment to the mail message.
If you are not using Reader then it will work as is.
Hope that helps
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Hi Paul,
I was reading the locked thread as well on creating a button to allow the end user to attach documents to a pdf form. Would you be so kind as to send me the steps to create the button or what ever is the most easiest way for a user to attach a document(s) to a form that was created using LiveCycle 2?
Thanks so much for your assistance, Lillian
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The shortest script is just this line in a buttons click event:
event.target.importDataObject("File Attachment");
As mentioned before, this only will work in Reader with when additional rights have been added to the form vie LiveCycle Reader Extensions.
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Great - Thanks so much!
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Hi...me again... when my test user tried the "Attach a File" button it would only work if she saved the form first. Is there a way for the user to open the form, fill it out, and attach the file without saving the form first?
Thanks again for any help you can provide!
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...well ...you can disregard the question I just submitted... I just reread the post from pguerett and it says you have to save a local copy first if it is by email.
Thanks and have a great day!
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