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On WebServices, crossdomain.xml and debug-mode


Former Community Member
I'm building a conncetion to a remote webservice, and they
don't have a crossdomain.xml file on their server (or it is placed
badly or something).

While developing my connection has worked fine, but when I go
outside of the debug mode (actually running the swf/html from any
other folder then the projects bin-debug) and the connection won't
work. It returns no error and just seems to keep going ignoring the
request. So I looked around for a bit and managed to turn on the
trace() log file which brought the problem to my attention:

Cannot load crossdomain.xml from server, halting request. (or
something similar)

This is fine now that I know of it, I can get the server
people to add crossdomain for me. The questions I'm asking though

Why does it work in the bin-debug filder?

How can I capture the "Cannot load crossdomain..." trace? (my
guess is that its generated in the flash player, and not flex
5 Replies


Level 1

Hey Caele, I've exactly the same problem. WebServices are working like charms in debug mode, but if I try to export a release version, it won't work anymore...


Level 1

that's very strange indeed

do you have the same versions for Flash and the Flashdebugger ?


Level 1

Yes I do. I don't understand. I'm gonna try to negotiate with my JEE developper to work this out...


Level 1

Okay, the problem was between the chair and the keyboard... The crossdmain.xml file wasn't at the root of the server...


Level 10

Understand the SandboxType of flash player before getinto this issue.

While inside the  bin-debug, your sandbox type is LocalTrusted. This will allow access to external system,

When go go for the deployment it wont works, cos you sandbox type will be different (say Network with Local)


The above URL will expain the security concept
