While the URL for ODAWebApp was originally pointed at the web server/load balancer - I have changed it to point to one server on the cluster. Additionally, to aid in testing, we have disabled one of the app servers on the cluster to force all activity on the same server. (it was the only way to get the old DDG to work consistently) Regardless, after changing the URL, the ODA still does not produce any output. The XDP's are currently on a file system. I have not tried retrieving them from the repository (the old DDG could not retrieve them from the repository in our cluster, so we copied the XDP's to a file system on shared disk ) I can change the script/DXFA to retrieve the XDP's from the repository to see if that works. The XDFA file is also the same exact file (built with the same script) that we use with the DDG. I will examine the tech notes again to see if there is a difference required. We have recycled that server and still get the same result. I will install the ODA debug later and report the results.