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Looping thru fields


Former Community Member

I would liek to write a function that upon ready:form would check to see if some fields have some text in them and if so - make sure they are visible.

Currently I have this on ready:form:

myField = topmostSubform.Page1.StaffPrep.WhatsNew

if (myField.Prod.Prod_Note.rawValue.length==0) {

myField.Prod.Prod_Note.presence = "hidden";

myField.Prod.CheckBox1.value = "Off";


else {

myField.Prod.Prod_Note.presence = "visible";

myField.Prod.CheckBox1.value = "On";


How would I change this to check all 11 fields (which have names like HR_Note and Sales_Note and Misc_Note)?
6 Replies


Level 2
How about create an array with all 11 field names, loop through the array to check the indivual fields.

Have you tried to accomplish this through the object validation under the value tab...?


Former Community Member
I have not - let me give that a try.

Thanks for responding.


Former Community Member
I have tried writing the loop but it seems to be over my head. Can anyone help me with this?

I need to loop thru 11 fields, check their length and make them visible or invisible.

Thank you


Former Community Member
You can loop through each object in the hierarchy using things like nodes.length. Email me if you'd like a better explanation and some sample script showing how to do that.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member
Thanks for the offer. I will do that. In the meantime - is this on the right track?

var y = ['TextField1_note','TextField2_note','TextField3_note'];

for each (x in y) {

if (x.rawValue.length == 0) {

x.presence = "invisible"


else {

x.presence = "visible"



Former Community Member
Also, I know that I sent you a better solution, but I noticed something revisiting this post. Using "x.rawValue.length == 0" is probably not the best way to go. If "x.rawValue" is null, "x.rawValue.length" will be undefined and so, your script will not enter the "if" statement. Use "x.rawValue == null" instead.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group
