Installed Java 1.5 SE (jdk-1_5_0_16-windows-amd64.exe) then set JAVA_HOME in system variable and set path to JAVA_HOME\bin etc.
During the Turnkey installation process in the LC Configuration Manager screen, process gets stuck with ACL-LCM-999-032 error.
Log from Configuration Manager is below:
Also I can not start the Windows service from Services , tried to set user too to use to start the service but no success please help, I can not proceed further.
Note: I downloaded jboss-4.2.0.GA fresh just to check if I can atleast start the default Jboss container on this machine and I can "run -c all" with no error.
[2008-11-28 21:18:34,910], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressModeDialog, Sub Task Progress: [57%, Verifying ports required by service JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES are available]
[2008-11-28 21:18:41,925], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressModeDialog, Sub Task Progress: [59%, Starting service JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES]
[2008-11-28 21:18:52,173], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Express mode processing complete
[2008-11-28 21:18:52,173], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Express task finished, true:false
[2008-11-28 21:18:52,173], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask, Progress: Task[0, null] Step[100, 1/2 Express steps complete]
[2008-11-28 21:18:52,189], INFO, Thread-28, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask, Progress: Task[0, null] Step[0, ]