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Is it possible to call a JavaScript function from a FormCalc script?


Level 5

I am wondering if there is a way to call a function coded in JavaScript from a field event that is coded in FormCalc in Designer 8.

If so, I should be able to reference the same global variables in each language correct?

Best Regards:

8 Replies


Level 4

Hey Mark - did you ever get an answer to this?  I am doing the same thing and I don't know if that is the reason that the script isn't working.


Level 10

You can execute the code written in FormCalc in a field from script written in JavaScript from a different field.

For example I wrote this script in NumericField2 and language is Java Script:


Where NumericField1 has code written in click event and language is FormCalc..

This way you can execute events from controls irrespective of language they have written.

Hope this helps.




Level 4

Thanks Srini!

That is what I want to do.  I have tables that I have simple FormCalc calculations on to total the fields.  I want to then compare the totats of the fields to make sure they are equal.  That is where I am using the if else statment with JavaScript.  But for some reason it isn't working.It is the first part of my IF statement that doesn't do anything - when I go to the form and make them all equal I don't get the "boo" message (I am just trying to learn )



var myDoc = event.target;

var CashCheckTotal = myDoc.getField("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedCashCheckTotal[0]");

var DescTotal = myDoc.getField("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedDescriptionTotal[0]");

var FoapTotal = myDoc.getField("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedFoapTotal[0]");

var curDate=new Date();

var PartNetID = myDoc.getField("form1[0].#subform[0].NetID[0]").value;

var dialogTitle = "Please Confirm that the email was sent and the form was printed";

var defaultAnswer = "Yes";

var f = myDoc.getField("form1[0].#subform[0].Campus[0]");

var cbStatus1 = (f.isBoxChecked(0)) ? "OK" : "not";

var cbStatus2 = (f.isBoxChecked(1)) ? "OK" : "not";

var cbStatus3 = (f.isBoxChecked(2)) ? "OK" : "not";

if("CashCheckTotal" == "DescTotal"

& "DescTotal" == "FoapTotal")
else {xfa.host.messageBox("Totals are not equal or are zero:\n" + "Calculated Description Total(A), Calculated Cash/Check Total(B) and Calculated CFOAPAL Total(C) must be equal.");}


Level 10


    The functions that you used inside your code are used in Acroforms Java Script. But they may not work in LiveCycle Java Script..

    I modified your script.. Try it in your form..

var CashCheckTotal = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedCashCheckTotal[0]").rawValue;
var DescTotal = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedDescriptionTotal[0]").rawValue;
var FoapTotal = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedFoapTotal[0]").rawValue;

var curDate=new Date();
var PartNetID = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].NetID[0]").rawValue;

var dialogTitle = "Please Confirm that the email was sent and the form was printed";
var defaultAnswer = "Yes";
var f = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].Campus[0]").rawValue;

var cbStatus1, cbStatus2, cbStatus3

if(f = 0){
   cbStatus1 = "OK";
   cbStatus2 = "not";
   cbStatus3 = "not";

if(f = 1){
   cbStatus2 = "OK";
   cbStatus1 = "not";
   cbStatus3 = "not";

if(f = 2){
   cbStatus3 = "OK";
   cbStatus1 = "not";
   cbStatus2 = "not";
if((CashCheckTotal == DescTotal) && (DescTotal == FoapTotal))

xfa.host.messageBox("Totals are not equal or are zero:\n" + "Calculated Description Total(A), Calculated Cash/Check Total(B) and Calculated CFOAPAL Total(C) must be equal.");




Level 4


What is the difference if I use

var CashCheckTotal = CalculatedCashCheckTotal.rawValue


var CashCheckTotal = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedCashCheckTotal[0]").rawValue;

One last question - How to I write a script to make sure they fill in a field?

I can't figure it out!  I am trying to also create an if else statement that if a field is blank they get an error message.

Thanks so much for the help!



Level 10



What is the difference if I use

var CashCheckTotal = CalculatedCashCheckTotal.rawValue


var CashCheckTotal = xfa.resolveNode("form1[0].#subform[0].CalculatedCashCheckTotal[0]").rawValue;


There is no difference.. I prefer to use the fist one though. The second one is used to reseove a field in your form that has dynamic sections added at the run time..

One last question - How to I write a script to make sure they fill in a field?

I can't figure it out!  I am trying to also create an if else statement that if a field is blank they get an error message.


Place the following code in the exit event of the field. Choose the language as JavaScript.

if(this.rawValue == null || this.rawValue == ""){

     xfa.host.messageBox("Field cannot be empty");






Level 4

Hi Srini - I lied - I have another question - I tried what you gave me but did it a little different and I am getting an error that says TodayDate has not properties.  I am using it on the click of the button.  Any idea why it doesn't work.

var oDoc = event.target;
var CashCheckTotal = CalculatedCashCheckTotal.rawValue
var DescTotal = CalculatedDescriptionTotal.rawValue
var FoapTotal = CalculatedFoapTotal.rawValue
var TodayDate = TodayDate.rawValue

if (CashCheckTotal == DescTotal & DescTotal == FoapTotal & CashCheckTotal > 0)
    {if (TodayDate.rawValue == null || TodayDate.rawValue == "") {xfa.host.messageBox("Need Date")}
     else {xfa.host.messageBox("Good")}

else {xfa.host.messageBox("Hoo")};


Level 4

Srini! I figured it out!  Thank you so much for you help!