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Initialize Database fails


Level 2
Hi all,

I have manually installed, configurated and deployed Forms 7.2 on the JBoss server. At JBoss I don't use the default ports. For naming I use port 1199 instead 1099 (see below: binding configuration)

If I try to to initialize the DB with the configuration manager I will see in the log (see below) that it uses port 1099. I found the file "config.properties" in the configuration manager and chnaged the port to 1199. Nothing changes ...

Any idea? thanks in advance,


---------- binding configuration ----------


---------- binding configuration ----------

---------- JBoss Log ----------
andardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Initializing Bootstrap servlet...
00:18:45,665 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Found initialization param pair [REGISTRY,com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.RegistryBootstrapper]
00:18:45,665 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Adding bootstrapper ########: com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.RegistryBootstrapper@554058
... And 6 more of this log entries ...
00:18:45,665 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Found initialization param pair [WATCHEDFOLDER,com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.WatchedFolderBootstrapper]
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Initializing Bootstrap servlet Complete
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Request for 'UM'
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Request for providerURL 'null'
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Request for response type 'null'
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Bootstrapping using [UM] : com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.UMBootstrapper@b84c44
00:18:45,696 INFO [Engine] StandardContext[/LCMBootstrapper]BootstrapServlet: Overriding providerURL for JBoss: jnp://localhost:1099
00:18:45,696 INFO [STDOUT] com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.UMBootstrapper@b84c44 : Bootstrapping using [jnp://localhost:1099] [com.adobe.idp.um.businesslogic.bootstrapper.BootstrapperManagerHome]
00:18:46,790 WARN [NamingContext] Failed to connect to localhost:1099
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to server localhost:1099 [Root exception is javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: Failed to connect to server localhost:1099 [Root exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect]]
at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.getServer(NamingContext.java:213)
at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.checkRef(NamingContext.java:1185)
---------- JBoss Log ----------
8 Replies


Level 2
I still have the problem with initializing the db. Perhaps some lines out of the lcm.log helps:

[2006-10-21 14:32:27,578], Thread-5, com.installshield.alcm.event.dialog.swing.PanelALCM_InitializeDB, INFO , Execute Button Clicked

[2006-10-21 14:32:27,703], Thread-5, com.installshield.alcm.event.dialog.swing.PanelALCMBaseDialog, INFO , UM Lite check skipped.

[2006-10-21 14:32:27,796], Thread-5, com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient, INFO , Bootstrapping: http://localhost:8180/LCMBootstrapper/bootstrap?bootstrapper=UM

[2006-10-21 14:32:28,750], Thread-5, com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient, ERROR, Couldn't bootstrap using 'http://localhost:8180/LCMBootstrapper/bootstrap?bootstrapper=UM': [500,Unable to bootstrap User Manager - unable to narrow]

com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapException: Couldn't bootstrap using 'http://localhost:8180/LCMBootstrapper/bootstrap?bootstrapper=UM': [500,Unable to bootstrap User Manager - unable to narrow]

at com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient.bootstrap(BootstrapperClient.java:200)

at com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient.bootstrap(BootstrapperClient.java:122)

at com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient.bootstrap(BootstrapperClient.java:100)

Thanks for any hint,



Level 2
OK, some new insights:

I have decompiled the BootstrapServlet.class and found out that there is the URL parameter "providerURL". If it is "null" the default value is set "jnp://localhost:1099".

This points me to the LiveCycle Configuration Manager because in the lcm.log the call og the BootstrapServlet is logged:

[2006-10-21 14:32:27,796], Thread-5, com.adobe.idp.install.bootstrap.BootstrapperClient, INFO , Bootstrapping: http://localhost:8180/LCMBootstrapper/bootstrap?bootstrapper=UM

LCM calls without the attribut "providerURL" although the config.properties was parsed:

[2006-10-21 14:29:52,734], Thread-7, com.adobe.idp.install.lcm.config.LCMConfigParser, INFO , Parsing config file: .\config.properties

Any idea?



Level 2
Hi Adobe Guys!

This means, that you cannot deploy Forms in an existing J2EE environment. The outcome of this are significant higher costs (HW, Backup, SLAs, ...) at operations.

1. Is the hardcoded port an official bug?

2. Is there release date for a patch?

3. Is the port only hardcoded in the configuration manager or also in parts the forms application?

Thanks in advance,



Level 2
Workaround for my problems: For initializing database set jnp port for initializing db to default (1099). After initializing switch it back. Everything works fine.

Problem: You have to stop the JBoss instance running jnp on port 1099 -> Problem in productive environments

Summary: A small bug in the configuration manager with serious consequences. Please fix it!



Former Community Member
I checked and this is logged as an official bug. I don't have any info on timelines for when it will be fixed though.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Hi all,

We fell on the same problem with the new LCES installation.

So this means that it remains an official bug 7 months later and one major revision of the product. Now what Chris?




Former Community Member
To work around the Configuration Manager issue of looking at localhost:1099, I did the following:<br /><br />a. Enable packet forwarding:<br />sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1<br /><br />b. Setup the port 1099 re-direction:<br /> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1099 -j DNAT --to-destination <IP of virtual interface><br /><br />c. Enable the forward when executed from localhost:<br />iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1099 -j DNAT --to <IP of virtual interface>