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how to work with JMS service using workbench


Former Community Member
Hi All,

I am using JMS service under Foundation that can invoke a JMS queue,

but while specifying the properties under connection I am getting an error message saying that "Initial context is not available". I am using weblogic 9.2 and I configured JMS connection factory.

now in workbench, under JMS service > properties >

connection factory(literal value), I can't find the configured connection factory under this ..?

can someone help me how to resolve this..?


2 Replies


Level 10
Go under the Components view. If you don't see it, you can add it from Windows/Show View.

Then from the Components view select the com.adobe.livecycle.jms component. Open it and select Active Services and right click on the JMS:1.0 and select "Edit Service Configuration".
