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How to reader extend the form rendered in Workspace


Level 8
Level 8
Hi all,

I am creating a process where the user needs to save the form (with data) after the form has been filled. I am using xdp-files, so I guess I need to reader extend the rendered pdf before showing it to the user, however I am not sure how I can achieve this. Can you help me here?


Kim Christensen
7 Replies


Level 8
Level 8
Hi again,

I fixed it myself - it is just adding the apply usage rights after the render pdf in "Samples - Render PDF form" service. This will do the trick :)


Kim Christensen


Former Community Member
Hi, which version of ES are you using?

I had some problems even after adding the UsageRights, but I am using the old GM version.




Level 8
Level 8
Hi James,

I am using the LCES SP2 version - I am not sure what you mean by "the old GM version", what version is that?


Kim Christensen


Former Community Member
GM verion means "Gold Master"(?) -- the initial official release version before all the patches (SP1, SP2).

When I tested the form in WorkSpace (after applying the UsageRights) with the Reader (only the Reader, not Acrobat), it did not show the commenting icon and some other things that you'll get when the form's Reader-Extended. It also popped up a warning/error message.

Do you have those problems?


Level 8
Level 8
OK - thanks for the explanation.

No I don't have these problems - the PDF shows up fine.

Do you remember to change the render-settings to the "samples - render pdf form" under advanced settings in your xfaform variable?


Kim Christensen


Former Community Member

my Render service is modeled after the "Samples - Forms - Render PDF Form" service. The Sample render has 3 steps, I appended the UsageRights action to it, so my Render has 4 steps. I assume it's the same as what you are using, based on the descriptions in your previous postings.

I believe I have tested it against ES-SP2 too. If I remember correctly, under SP2 it did not pop up a message, however, the Commenting icon did not show up on the Reader's toolBar. It behaved differently under Reader, as compared to running it with Acrobat... it looked as if the form was not Reader-Extended.

I am puzzled why it worked for you. Do you think if you could email me your LCAs? jdee66888@gmail.com




Level 8
Level 8
Certainly - I will mail you the LCA of the Samples - Render PDF Form, just look in your inbox :)


Kim Christensen