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How to connect to Live Cycle service via Excel 2007


Level 1

I have my data stored in a DB which I am exposing using a a amf channel and am able to display the result in a Data Grid successfully. Now I want to show the same data in Microsoft Excel 2007. Any idea if this can be done? Also on the same note can you access the LCDS services via any other client then Flex and AIR?


1 Reply


Level 1

Hi rgaurave,

For your first question, I think the easiest way is to let Excel access you db directly. Search the web for excel and odbc. In excel 2007 take a look at get external data under the data ribbon.

For your second question, I'm not sure which service you want to use, but e.g. messaging can be connected to JMS. ActiveMQ is a JMS provider that can be accessed easily from all kinds of clients (eg java, php, c# etc etc). I think other services should be possible as well.

Maybe if you ask more specific questions, someone will be able to give you a more specific answer.
