I have a order form, the first page is totaling fine for that page and the total on that page is called amount3 totaling all amount 1's, this is a interactive form. and I am using calcform
Page 2 is also totaling correctly for page 2 but only page 2. the total box is called amount2 and it is totaling anything in the amount1 also.
page 3 I would like to have it total all three for a grand total and it is not.
here is what I am using for the first two pages
here is what I have used on page 3 based on some of the other answers but something is not correct
----- scrip.Page3.GrandTotal::calculate: - (FormCalc, client) --------------------------------------
can anybody help a example would really help or tell me exactly what to do I am new at these formulas, excel I can do in my sleep but this I am not at all sure about.