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Generate PDF from XML


Former Community Member
Is there any way to automate the creation of PDF forms using XML files and/or some kind of API? Thanks.
6 Replies


Former Community Member

LiveCycle Forms automates this process for you. For more information check out the LiveCycle Forms Developer Center:




Former Community Member
In all of the LiveCycle product datasheets, it always talks about form creation using the Designer. Can you explain with some detail how this process is automated?

Ideally, I am looking for an API to create forms and skip the Designer step completely. Thanks.


Former Community Member

First off, the creation of forms in Designer is not automated.

Secondly, LiveCycle Forms is an API that allows you to take an XML form template created in LiveCycle Designer and merge it with XML data to create a PDF. The Designer step cannot be skipped.

I hope this helps to make more sense of the process.



Former Community Member
PLEASE Help in creating/saving forms in Livecycle Designer

I am developing a website for a client who needs forms that can be filled out online and emailed back to her as a pdf.

I have created an interactive form in Adobe Livecycle Designer to allow viewers online to enter data into this form.

Now I need this form to keep the data that was entered, stay as a pdf, and be sent to my clients email who does not own Adobe Livecycle Designer. Please let me know how I am to save this form in order for it to be opened and show the information.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this!!



Former Community Member
Hi Sandy,

The client would have to have a copy of Acrobat (each client). If they do not have a copy of Acrobat you would need to use Reader Extensions to add rights to the PDF so that they can save the PDF or submit the PDF via email. To see more information on Reader Extensions go to: http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/livecycle/readerextensions/devcenter.html


Adobe Systems


Former Community Member
The basis for Adobe forms is something called XFA and there is a specification for this. If you create the appropriate XML, this will drive creating the PDF form. The unfortunate thing is that you will need a server product to take that XML and render it as a PDF. The product used to do this is called Adobe LiveCycle Forms.
