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Floating Field on exit not working


Level 2
I have a multi page form that begins with a data entry page and there are several floating fields in the form.

The following code is not working when it is put in the exit event, but does work if I put in a default value in the field and put the code in the initialize event. (version:8.0.1291)

xfa.resolveNode("ContractEmp.EA1.floatemployee").rawValue = this.rawValue;


Id appreciate any input to this dilemma.

10 Replies


Former Community Member
The floating field is only used when data is merged into the form to reflow text. For example if I have a paragraph of text and I want to insert your name into the paragraph, I would use a floating field to represent the data that woudl be merged onto the template. Once the data is merged the field is changed into static text and the paragrapg is reflowed. After rendering it is not a field anymore (hence it has no properties). If you want to be able to interact with it then use a normal interactive field.


Level 2

Thank you for the quick response.

The floating field I have is on page 12 of my form, I wanted it to populate based on data that is entered into a field on page one. Page one is strictly data entry and populates global fields on pages throughout the form.

The floating field is inserted into a text paragraph. I've used this method in a previous form and it works perfectly. I cannot figure out why it's not working on this form. I'm new to LC and I must be missing something. I compared this form with the one that works, and I'm not seeing anything different.

I'd love to get this to work on this form. Is there a direction you can point me in?



Former Community Member
The form must be re-rendered then for the floating field to be interpretted...is it possible that you are doing a round trip to the server to render the form ....once you enter data on the 1st page?


Level 2
How is a form re-rendered?

I have everyhting set to run at client.



Former Community Member
Just taking a shot in the dark ...can you send the form that works and the one that does not to livecycle8@gmail.com and I will investigate. Also include a description of how to reproduce the issue.


Level 2
Hi Paul,

I noticed that everyone let's you know when they sent you their forms for your assistance. I sent mine yesterday.




Former Community Member
Still didn't show up

How about you post your email address and I will send you a message. Then you can follow up with the email that I send you.


Level 2
