Hi, I have a list data type of document type. How can I replace any of the list item with a new document.
I tried doing the following for replace document in a list item:
'/process_data/@intvar' = 2
'/process_data/listvar[number(/process_data/@intvar')]' = '/prcess_data/documentNew'
Somehow, it did not replace the old list item at index 2 but instead insert the new document to the end of list? Why?
I tried another way, with the actual number:
'/process_data/listvar[2]' = '/prcess_data/documentNew'
Then, it replace the list item.
And Can I delete any of the list item, said '/process_data/listvar[2]' or the whole list.
I tried to assign a new list to another list, e.g.
'/process_data/listOne' = '/process_data/listTwo'
The result is listTwo is append to listOne, instead of replace the listOne with listTwo.
Thanks in advance...