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com.adobe.idp missing


Former Community Member
Page 41 of the "Developing Custom Applications" document states that the class 'com.adobe.idp.Document' is supplied in the pdfgapi-ejb.jar package (which is itself contained in 'pdfg-all.ear').

However, this does not appear to be the case. Has anyone found the com.adobe.idp.Document class anywhere?
9 Replies


Former Community Member
You can find it in adobe-common.jar, which can be found under /LiveCycle/components/pdfgenerator/common/apis/.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Level 3

this ist true.

Is there any chance to also find the samples referenced in the guide at some different place as well? I'd be especially interested in the web service sample which incorporates password encryption ...

Thanks alot,



Former Community Member
Thanks Chris. Thats got it.

Is there a more extensive/accurate example or documentation for developing an EJB Client application? The documentation I have suggests that I should be able to obtain an XML configuration file using the following code fragment:

i Context initialContext = new getInitialContext();

i Object objRef = initialContext.lookup(PDFGAPI7Home.JNDI_NAME);

i PDFGAPI7 apiBean = apiHome.create();

i String testConfig = apiBean.getConfigurationXML("No Security", "Press Quality", "Standard", null);

But - theres no explaination of how/where 'getInitialContext' or 'apiHome' are defined, and my compiler complains that com.adobe.idp.Context cannot be resolved and is indirectly referenced by a required .class

Any hints greatly appreciated.


Level 3
Hi Peter,

if you want to you may drop me an email (steffen.kuhnt@pc-ware.de) and I can send you a complete sample for that which I have implemented.

But maybe the snippet below is already enough:

import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;


InitialContext oInitialContext = new InitialContext();

Object oObject = oInitialContext.lookup(PDFGAPI7Home.JNDI_NAME);

PDFGAPI7Home oAPIHome = (PDFGAPI7Home) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(oObject, PDFGAPI7Home.class);

try {

PDFGAPI7 oPDFGBean = oAPIHome.create();


Does that help you? I hope so. Otherwise just contact me, OK?



Former Community Member
Hello Steffen,

I'm stuck with the same problem.

I have already have done what you suggested and it works.

PDFGAPI7 oPDFGBean = oAPIHome.create();

But now I can not invoke any bussiness methods of the Interface


The compiler does not see the methods submitJob or submitWebCaptureJob ...

I really do not understand ...

Can you be so kind to help me ?


Level 3

as of now, I'm not completely sure what your problem is. Maybe we can work it out if you dropped me a line with your piece of code, and if I can't find anything "suspicious" I can reply with my working snippet if that's OK for you ...

Best regards,



Former Community Member
Hi Steffen Kuhnt i´m having the same problem i cant create lookup a home i have already done it with assembler but with generator there is missing code can you help me i have already mail you, but with no response, hope you can help me my e-mail is:




Former Community Member
I also have some troubles with the Java API of PDF Generator.

Steffen: Regarding your codesnippet => are you running this code as a standalone J2SE application, or inside an application server? I keep getting ClassCastExceptions when I try to look up the PDFGenerator Bean using JNDI. Any ideas?


Former Community Member

I am using the form server to to render the PDF but the Form Server is throwing an exception

FormServer is deployed as a EJB.

I am getting the following exception:

java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:

java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 0x4942f897 No; nested exception is:

org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: Unable to read value from underlying bridge : com/adobe/idp/Document vmcid: IBM minor code: 897

I am getting the exception here:

IFormServer client


client.renderForm(rfo.getFormQuery(), rfo.getRenderFormat(), rfo.getXmlData(), rfo.getOptions(), rfo.getUserAgent(), rfo.getApplicationWebRoot(), rfo.getTargetUrl(), rfo.getContentRootUri(), rfo.getBaseUrl());

Any ideas?