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Auto clear default text


Former Community Member
I have searched all over to see how this is done. I found one other response to this question, but it was not complete.

Basically what I am wondering is, how do I set up my text field so that there is a default text to signify what the user should type into the box. When the user clicks the text field, this default is removed so they can begin typing.

Thank you!
1 Reply


Level 5
It is easy...........

I would use the following code in "Enter" and "Exit" events....

Let us say the default text in the text field is "Default Text"

//Enter event JavaScript

var curText = this.rawValue;

var defText = "Default Text"

if (curText == defText) {

//when the current text is same as Default text clear the box

this.rawValu = "";


//no need of else condition as rest of the logic will be automatically taken care.


//JS Code for Exit event

var defText = "Default Text";

if (this.isNull) {

this.rawValu = defText;


//again no need of else condition as rest of the logic will be automatically taken care.