Hi all!
I have created the following XDM Schemas (both with Enable a schema for Profile=true):
- Color (custom/lookup):
- id (non-people identifier)
- hexCode (string)
- Person (XDM Individual Profile):
- email
- color having a one-to-one relationship with the previous schema on Color.id
After that, I have ingested data on AEP on two datasets associated to the previous schemas:
- ColorDataset: {id:'red', hexCode: '#FF0000'}
- PersonDataset: {email:'test@test.it', color: red, ....}
Now, I'am wondering if there is a way, to retrieve via API the hexCode associated to the color of person (e.g. "test@test.it") or in general associated to the color with a specific id (like "red")? I'am trying several API, but seems that they retrieve only the information related to the profile and not to the lookup.
In addition, I think that the setup beetween the two schema should be performed well, since I see on Audience Builder canvas the link of ColorProperties.

Thank you in advance for any suggestion/solution!