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Issue on retrieving of Lookup data


Level 2

Hi all!

I have created the following XDM Schemas (both with Enable a schema for Profile=true):

  • Color (custom/lookup):
    • id (non-people identifier)
    • hexCode (string)
  • Person (XDM Individual Profile):
    • email
    • color having a one-to-one relationship with the previous schema on Color.id

After that, I have ingested data on AEP on two datasets associated to the previous schemas:

  • ColorDataset: {id:'red', hexCode: '#FF0000'}
  • PersonDataset: {email:'test@test.it', color: red, ....}

Now, I'am wondering if there is a way, to retrieve via API the hexCode associated to the color of person (e.g. "test@test.it") or in general associated to the color with a specific id (like "red")? I'am trying several API, but seems that they retrieve only the information related to the profile and not to the lookup.

In addition, I think that the setup beetween the two schema should be performed well, since I see on Audience Builder canvas the link of ColorProperties.



Thank you in advance for any suggestion/solution!

1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi @federicov798870  - What you did is correct, in the segment builder canvas you can see the color properties and you can surely create a segment out of it using the properties from color table as well.


However, you can't fetch the attribute from color table via the API due to the limitations of the tool. What exactly you want to do with this? Whats the usecase behind this.


