Are you experiencing the problem of Identity Stitching/Profile Collapsing? This issue arises when we employ the same browser for testing multiple logins or when customer service accesses multiple client logins on the same browser, leading to the merging of identities.
Segmentation Type: Edge
Destination: Adobe Target
Segment Logic: Combination of Batch Data and Web SDK Events
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Hi @MA1985_CG
Yes this is a known topic (which is not new if you put yourself in the Declared ID principle from previous Experience Cloud solution integration) which Adobe is working on a long-term solution. Meanwhile, there are workarounds available if need be.
thanks @costa_n11 for the quick response. Whats the workaround available?
Hi @MA1985_CG
PLease look at the following post, you'll get hopefully the information needed
@MA1985_CG We have what we call the 'Shared device interim approach'.
At this time we cannot prevent 2+ CRM IDs from merging in to 1 graph due to shared device (ECID) or non-unique cross-device identifiers (hashed email / phone), but as an interim approach we can skip merged profiles that use these graphs from segmentation & activation, and lookup.
As @costa_n11 a more permanent solution is currently being worked on by our Product and Engineering teams
@MA1985_CG Did you find the suggested solutions helpful? It would be great if you can mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, share it with wider audience in the community.
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