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Filtering enhancement request - AEP Dataflows and Audiences


Level 4


Description - We would like to enhance the filtering in the AEP UI.


Why is this feature important to you - Having the ability to further drill down into filters via the UI, unlocks more capability for the users of AEP.


How would you like the feature to work - Filter by audience on dataflow runs pages, adjust column sizing and filter for what is currently processing

Filter and sort by audience, start date, or end date on activation data page, and adjust column sizing.


Current Behaviour - No current ability to do any of the above filtering in detail.



Employee Advisor


@DavidRoss91 Thanks for raising this.

FYI .. I know both the Product and Engineering teams are working on different tasks to improve the filtering, I've added your comments and a reference to this post in one of our internal reports for visibility.