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Mobile Services - more flexibility for role - permissions


Level 2


We need to be able to asign a role that has no admin rights, but with the possibility to create aquisition links.


Currently, Mobile Services users can either get admin rights or read-only access. In order to create aquisition links, users need admin rights, which is not compatible with our team setup.



Level 1


We have a similar issue with the ability to map dimensions and evars. In order for a user to do this it appears they have to be a full analytics admin. I was hoping that it would at least allow for custom permissions where I just gave them access to the equivelant functionality in the report suite, but that doesn't seem to work either.


Level 5


I have this same frustration and created a separate idea for this exact user permissions just for mapping evars and props. But agree that the whole permissions for mobile need to be rethought.

Enable users to map variables but not be an app admin


Former Community Member


I agree that this needs to change, but strongly disagree that this is an "Idea" and that Adobe should be viewing it as one.

Based on the documentation at https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/mobile/c_mob_roles-and-permissions.html under "Mobile App Admin" saying "Manage App Settings", these areas should be editable via the "Mobile App Admin" permission. The documentation seems to indicate this is a bug and I would say it needs to be fixed, not ideated or pushed off because Launch is the new way (per my conversation with Adobe Support: "With version AEP SDK 1.x we are not really using the Mobile Interface any longer as it is being done through Launch").