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Add Release Notes Section to Adobe Launch Extension Exchange Catalog / Ability to Select an Extension Release inside Adobe Launch


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Description - As called out by user @gflare in this idea: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform-launch/add-the-ability-to... a lot of releases don't contain release notes other than as an addition to one of the existing sections inside the Exchange, such as being added underneath "Installation" or "Support". 


When more recent hotfixes are made to address issues some users are experiencing, but haven't had a release note provided on the docs section of Experience League (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/tags/extensions/adobe/target-v2/release-...), we are in a limbo of wanting to address an update to get on a newer version that has a fix / upgrade, but not wanting to upgrade too far into a new version that might potentially impact our library without having to duplicate a whole library and test.


Why is this feature important to you - Either idea would allow us to have a better approach that would allow us to upgrade our extensions more quickly.  Adding release notes about versions added to the Exchange will allow us to see what other changes have been made and evaluate risk for our business stakeholders.  Allowing to select releases to upgrade to, while being a heavier lift development wise, would be the most ideal solution and allow us to mitigate the risk entirely of upgrading too far without having adequate testing completed.


How would you like the feature to work - One or both of the below ideas:

  1. Have an additional column in Exchange where there is a tab for "Release Notes" or "Changelog" that shows the differences between versions submitted
  2. Have an ability when selecting to "Upgrade" to show a list or picklist of versions you can upgrade to

Current Behavior

  1. No format to where release notes are placed inside the Exchange listings for extensions (can be in "installation", "support", or completely omitted)
  2. When upgrading, you are automatically prompted if you want to "upgrade to latest version" with the standard warning that you cannot downgrade.