has anyone used the AA Product String Builder extension. I can't seem to get it working correctly even though I followed the instructions.
following the instructions I created the below product string builder based on the instructions:
below is the dataLayer product array
dataLayer.Cart.items path
then product ID needs to be a string literal so I am passing in name
however something is not working correctly as I get nothing in the console even though I have [3] products.
results below:
[AA Product String Builder] Settings : {dataLayerRoot: "dataLayer", productStringEvars: Array(0), productStringEvents: Array(1), productCollectionPath: "Cart.items", productStringCategory: "events", …}
VM20645:1 [AA Product String Builder] tracker.events was "event42,event8=2385,purchase"
VM20645:1 [AA Product String Builder] tracker.products was "<not set>"
Also, not sure why tracker.products is not set since I added it per the instructions and I can see dataLayer.Cart.items[n]name
is there something I am missing? any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
- Scott