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Writing unittests for AEM (part 4): OSGI services mock services | AEM Community Blog Seeding




Writing unittests for AEM (part 4): OSGI services mock services by Joerg Hoh


In the last parts of this small series (part 1, part 2, part 3) I covered some basic approaches how you can use the Sling and AEM mocking libraries to ease writing unittests. The examples were quite basic and focussed, but in reality many test cases turn out to be much more complex.

And especially when your code has dependencies to other OSGI services, tests can get tricky. So today I want to walk you through some unittest I wrote some time ago, it’s a unittest for the EnsureOakIndex functionality (EnsureOakIndexJobHandlerTest).

The interesting part is that the required EnsureOakIndex service references 4 other services in total; if they are not present, my EnsureOakIndex service will never start properly. Thus you have to fullfill all service requirements of an OSGI service in the unittest as well (at least if you want to use SlingContext like I do here).

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Writing unittests for AEM (part 4): OSGI services mock services


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