Hi Members
We have a workflow which uses a ecma script for or split.
This workflow is not able to access external ecma scripts Getting below error in logs
.granite.workflow.WorkflowException: Unable to find script resource /apps/workflow/scripts/
I am trying to add a read permission for the workflow-service.
we use Netcentric AC tool and .yaml file to apply permissions.
how can i add permissions to OOTB workflow-service user in yaml file.
Also is there any other solution.
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Hi @8080snk
You can write rule inside ace_config tag
- ace_config:
- workflow-service:
- path: /apps/workflow/scripts
permission: allow
actions: read
Hi @arunpatidar
thanks for the solution,
but getting below error
Could not process yaml files / e=biz.netcentric.cq.tools.actool.validators.exceptions.NoGroupDefinedException: Validation error while reading ACE definition nr.1 of authorizable workflow-service is not defined in group configuration
Execution time: 0 ms
could it be coz the user is not defined in the yaml?
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Hi @8080snk
It could be because of groups are managed externally(out side ACTools)
you can allow permission for external group by setting below
- global_config:
defaultUnmanagedExternalMembersRegex: .*
Hi @arunpatidar
Tried the same with below error
e=biz.netcentric.cq.tools.actool.validators.exceptions.NoGroupDefinedException: Validation error while reading ACE definition nr.1 of authorizable workflow-service is not defined in group configuration
Execution time: 0 ms
Added like below
- global_config:
defaultUnmanagedExternalMembersRegex: .*
defaultUnmanagedExternalIsMemberOfRegex: .*
- ace_config:
- workflow-service:
- path: /apps
permission: allow
privileges: jcr:read
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@8080snk Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you need more information. If a response worked, kindly mark it as correct for posterity; alternatively, if you found a solution yourself, we’d appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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