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Workflow notification: NodeTransition : Frequently getting workflow emails.


Level 2

I am getting workflow notification emails frequently even though I haven't activated any workflow on any of the pages or assets. I am using AEM6.1 version. I am getting these emails automatically. is there any way we can stop this emails from AEM?

I removed the URL link in the Email for security purposes. Thank you so much!!@

Email format is like:


Time: Fri Jul 21 15:50:51 MST 2017

Step: Request for deactivation

User: sarath

Workflow: Request for Deactivation


Content: URL of the page


View the overview in your http://localhost:4502/inbox


This is an automatically generated message. Please do not reply.

2 Replies


Level 4

-Checked out if you have configured "CQ Workflow EMail Notification Service"

-Checked out too if the set email notification property of participant steps is checked or not(true or false)

-Checked out if you replication agent is no triggering any workflow during normal process, and then send the notification for you inbox.

-Checked out if you don't have any code triggering the workflow by api.


Level 5


-Go to workflow console and find Request For Deactivation workflow.

-Open the workflow and click on "Request for deactivation" Step one dialog will pop-up.

-Click on second tab User/Group.

-Check the whether the Email Checkbox is checked or not.

-If Email checkbox is checked.Below is the method.First check that the User/Group field have only your user or a group.

-If it has only your user name then uncheck the Email checkbox.If it has Group then

-If you don't want to send email on any deactivation to any participent into the Group then simply uncheck the Email checkbox.Otherwise

-Go to Useradmin and find the group and remove yourself from that group.

Hope It might Help!