While adding 39 fields in Content Fragment Model then getting Error, Is there anyway to add more than 40 Fields in Content Fragment Model in AEM?
Getting below Error.
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Does your propertyName contain any special character?
names must contain only Latin characters, numerical digits and underscore “_” as special character.
There is no special character in my propertyName .
Using simple characters and using underscore like this "Page_CreatedBy".
Hi @Rohit4 ,
You can add 40 or more fields. Sometimes, while adding fields you can get TooManyCallsException exception.
Try to reload page/CF Model again.
The screenshot you added says different error. Are you trying to save CF model without adding fields. Screenshot error says same.
org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingException org.apache.sling.api.request.TooManyCallsException
I tried to add 40 singleLine text fields using simple characters without any underscore , at the time of adding 38 field it threw error.
Please see my all fields in CF model in CRX .
Sharing my observations here -
1. I am getting TooManyCallsException with 33 fields in Content Fragment model -
2. But if I reduce the fields count to 32 , then I am not getting TooManyCallsException.
3. If I increase the fields count to 35 , then I am getting below issue -
I have tested with AEM 6.5.11 here.
I will debug it and keep you posted.
Could you please tell me the AEM version with service pack.
Can you try to add 40 fields without installing service pack and share your observations.
@sunil_kumar_ : Any update on it ?
@DEBAL_DAS : Have you debugged it, Why we are getting error after adding 39 fields on AEM 6.5.12. Is there any solution to add more than 40 fields in AEM with Service pack 6.5.12 ,
as i am using AEM 6.5.12 using Service pack "aem-service-pkg-".
@Rohit4 , @sunil_kumar_ and @Himanshu_Jain ,
I have validated all these points with AEM 6.5.9 and I am able to add more than 40 fields and content fragment models are getting loaded perfectly.
Can you please share link of AEM 6.5.9 or share Service package of AEM 6.5.9 as i am only see AEM 6.5.12 in software distribution. I am using free trial of AEM so please help here.
Are you able to see below datatypes (In screenshot) in AEM 6.5.9 as these are not available in AEM 6.5.8,
Fragment Reference has been used in my project which is very important.
Is there anyway to add more than 40 Fields in AEM 6.5.12. Any configuration change? Please let me know.
These data types aren't available in AEM 6.5.9 as shown below -
These are available in AEM 6.5.11 -
In AEM6.5.12 release note . Adobe is talking about two packages -
Could you please give a try with these. If it's possible please raise a day care support ticket.
@kautuk_sahni , Please suggest and correct me.
After installing below new Packages, still getting same issue after adding 34 fields in AEM 6.5.12
Please suggest what needs to do?
Could you please raise a support ticket to Adobe , share the details and please take their guidance.
Have fixed this issue by increasing the number of Calls Per Request in the Apache Sling Main Servlet from 1000 to 3000 [randomly defined] as shown below -
Now I am able to add 40 fields in CF model in AEM 6.5.12 .
Thank you so much for giving this solution. I faced this same issue and I had to spent a lot of time in exploring and finally found this working.
Just wanted to confirm that changing this configuration will not affect any other functionality in AEM as I'm trying to add more than 40 Single Line Text field in the model in AEM as a Cloud Service?
I was facing the same issue , and the above solution worked for me .Thank you so much for posting this .
hi @DEBAL_DAS , I am able to add more than 40 TextField. I got this error once. After page reload it went.
I am using AEM 6.5.8
Are you able to see those 40 texfields once you open that content fragment model?
See the fields count in CRXDE -