Previewed and tested the mp4 video looks good on author page, after published the mp4 video to production, the file is 404 not found /content/dam/.../images/video.mp4.
But all other images assets inside the same folder are loading fine.
Please advice.
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You can manually check in the publisher whether that video file is there or not as per error, it is not there on the publisher. so you need to check the replication queue as @Vaibhavi_J suggested.
If there is an issue in replicating the video file along with page then you can replicate is alone.
Normally what happens in almost all the sites we have dynamic media integrated so if you have something like that then you need to verify the path of the video as well because it will not be the path of /conten/dam.
As you are saying other images are appearing fine so that will not the case in your problem.
Hope this will help.
Umesh Thakur
Can you check the file through crxde whether its been replicated to publish from author or not. If it's present there then you should. be able to access the file directly from publish server.
Are you seeing this issue with dispatcher?
Please check dispatcher filter config for allowed types