As we all know that when we create a live copy of experience fragment or rollout any experience fragments the site's link reference inside it does not get updated as it gets updated in a page. This feature is not available OOTB.
In order to achieve that we can create a custom rollout config and can achieve our use case.
Steps :
Add Synchronization Actions to the Rollout Configuration
Go to /apps/msm , create folder named rolloutconfig
Under this node create another node
jcr:primaryType ----- cq:RolloutConfig
Title: Update XF Site Links
Name: updateXFlinks
cq:trigger: rollout
Under this node now create another node
Name: linksUpdateXF
Type: cq:LiveSyncAction
Implement LiveActionFactory :
The following LiveActionFactory class implements a LiveAction which updates the link refence in experience fragment on creating a live copy or rollout from master experience fragment. I have excluded countryselector component from update , you can update that part according to your needs.
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Kautuk Sahni