In our site we have home pages which simply contain a list of references to news article pages. Once the news article pages are translated and published, the content editor can add the reference to the appropriate home pages to show the translated article in the list of articles on the page. There is no content on the home page itself that ever needs to be translated, it is simply a list of page reference components.
The trouble is that when updating the Language Copy for the homepage from the English version of the homepage, AEM creates a new Launch for the Language Copy of that page and does not show the changes until the Launch is promoted.
We have 44 countries and 13 languages. Promoting each Launch for each country after updating the Language Copies from the English version of the page for each country is needless extra work for the content editor.
Is there a way to have AEM simply update the current copy of the page when the Language Copy is updated without creating a Launch?
We are using AEM 6.2 CFP 4.
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We are checking with internal teams
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The launches do add a number of clicks to complete ingesting translated content.
As a first step I usually explain why we added this, for review and approval of translated content. Especially useful in combination with the side-by-side view capabilities that were added in 6.3.
To help address the issue, in the upcoming release AEM 6.4 it will be possible to set translation projects to automatically promote translation launches and to then delete them. The launches will still be created, but they will be transparent to the end users. This is an option in the translation project settings.
Post-AEM 6.4, we are considering to take this another step further by making the creation of launches during translation updates optional. This is futures though, will require investigation, and therefore not yet plan-of-record.
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Is there any workaround to prevent the number of launches being created with AEM 6.2?
For us this issue is compounded by our site structure which requires both localization and translation. Each language for each country for a given page creates a new launch. A single page can create 20+ launches each time it is sent out for translation, and it can be sent to translation multiple times as the page is edited over time.
In only a few weeks of use we have accumulated enough launches in the system to cause the Launches page to fail to load with the exception:
from /libs/launches/content/launches.html /libs/launches/components/launchesconfig/launchesconfig.jsp
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Were you able to find a workaround for this issue, we are facing the same issue in AEM- ?
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