I have a requirement to unpublish a page from AEM and move that unpublished page to another location.
From an author service, I did this,
String pagePath = hit.getPath();
replicator.replicate(session, ReplicationActionType.DEACTIVATE, pagePath); // Unpublish the Page
pageMoveService.movePages(pageManager, deletedDestinationPath, pagePath, deletedPageTitleSuffix); // Move that page in different location
In another Preprocessor, which is written for general page publish/unpublish,
String eventType = replicationAction.getType().getName();
String replicationPath = replicationAction.getPath();
if (!eventType.equals("Activate")) {
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(replicationPath + "/jcr:content");
// Some business logic
This works fine, but the issue is, when I request to deactivate the page sometimes it's not being Unpublished instantly. That's why the move operation moved the page and I got unexpected data in the preprocessor.
I need to make sure the page is unpublished, then I need to execute the move operation. How to do that?
Environment: AMS
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Hi @Sady_Rifat
After you initiated the deactivation, there is no feedback to know when the system actually finished. What you can do instead is to create and start an ad-hoc Sling job that monitors the page path and checks in loop the value of cq:lastReplicationAction property until it changes from Activate to Deactivate.
This is a nice article on how to use Sling Jobs in case you haven't so far: https://medium.com/@toimrank/aem-sling-jobs-c4ebbb849d68
And in order to control the number of retries and teh delay between two retries (I believe you will need to set this based on your guts, on how much time usually takes for a page to get deativated by your system), you will need to set these two properties for the job: event.job.retrydelay and event.job.retries.
More about these properties in here https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-event-api/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/slin...
Hi @Sady_Rifat ,
You can write a EventHandler and register the handler for Replication deactivation. Once the replication deactivation triggers from your OSGI service and once the replication agent deactivates the content then your event handler will execute. Here in the handler you can do page move operation.
Hello @Uppari_Ramesh, yes I already have replicationAction in my codebase that I already mentioned.
But I need to only move some specific pages based on condition.
for example, if I write the move operation in replicationAction then, if an Author unpublish any page, it will be moved.
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Hi @Sady_Rifat You can even validate the specific condition in Event handler OR if you have path based validation then you define the handler with filter of paths as well. You will get the page path in handler and do your validation and based on that move pages.
Hi @Sady_Rifat
I think If the page was published before the move, the old path is automatically unpublished. Can you try just move method from PageManager Interface
@arunpatidar actually I am working with Unpublish a page via pageManger API.
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Hi @Sady_Rifat
After you initiated the deactivation, there is no feedback to know when the system actually finished. What you can do instead is to create and start an ad-hoc Sling job that monitors the page path and checks in loop the value of cq:lastReplicationAction property until it changes from Activate to Deactivate.
This is a nice article on how to use Sling Jobs in case you haven't so far: https://medium.com/@toimrank/aem-sling-jobs-c4ebbb849d68
And in order to control the number of retries and teh delay between two retries (I believe you will need to set this based on your guts, on how much time usually takes for a page to get deativated by your system), you will need to set these two properties for the job: event.job.retrydelay and event.job.retries.
More about these properties in here https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-event-api/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/slin...
That's a good way, let me try.
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The replication is an asynchronous process by default. But you can force it to be synchronous by providing a proper ReplicationOption.
ReplicationOptions opts = new ReplicationOptions();
replicator.replicate(session, ReplicationActionType.DEACTIVATE, pagePath, opts);
When that code completes the page is deactivated. Of course the code takes longer to execute, but the order of actions is guaranteed.
To ensure the page is unpublished before moving it in AEM:
Use Replication Event Listener: Listen for DEACTIVATE event to confirm that the page is unpublished.
Check Replication Status: Verify that the page is deactivated before triggering the move operation.
Synchronous Handling: Make sure the move operation only occurs after successful deactivation by handling replication synchronously.
This ensures the page is unpublished first, preventing unexpected results during the move.