During the Pipeline process, a number of metrics are captured and compared to either the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) defined by the business owner, or standards set by Adobe Managed Services.
These are reported using the three-tier gating system as defined in this section.
Three-Tier Gates while Running a Pipeline
1. There are three gates in the pipeline:
2. Code Quality
3. Performance Testing
4. Security Testing
Code Quality Testing
As part of the pipeline the source code is scanned to ensure that deployments meet certain quality criteria. Currently, this is implemented by a combination of SonarQube and content package-level examination using OakPAL. There are over 100 rules combining generic Java rules and AEM-specific rules.
Performance Testing
Performance testing in Cloud Manager is implemented using a 30 minute test.
During pipeline setup, the deployment manager can decide how much traffic to direct to each bucket.
You can learn more about bucket controls, from Configure your CI/CD Pipeline .
Security Testing
Cloud Manager runs the existing AEM Security Heath Checks on stage following the deployment and reports the status through the UI. The results are aggregated from all AEM instances in the environment.
If any of the Instances report a failure for a given health check, the entire Environment fails that health check. As with Code Quality and Performance Testing, these health checks are organized into categories and reported using the three-tier gating system. The only distinction is that there is no threshold in the case of security testing. All the health checks are simply pass or fail.
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Kautuk Sahni