I'm trying to integrate AEM 6.4 with Magento 2.4 using CIF. I have installed two packages as on screenshot but I'm unable to see 'GraphQL Client Configuration Factory' bundle on http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr console.
Please suggest.
Thank you,
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Hi Nitin,
did you follow the steps in https://github.com/adobe/commerce-cif-connector ?
Can you check under http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles if all bundles are started and thecif-connector-graphql bundle is there and satisfied?
Did you deploy by pre-built package or based on source code?
Hi @Maximilian_Voss ,
I have tried it but when I going to upload package on http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp console as commerce-cif-connector-cif-connector-reactor-1.3.0. Getting error as "Zip File is not a content package. Missing 'jcr_root' ". For reference please find screenshot.
Please suggest.
Thank you.
See my comment in https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/error-zip-file-is-not-a-co...
The downloaded package must be compiled using maven. Unpack the zip file and run `mvn clean install -P autoInstallPackage` to install the package into AEM.
Hi @Maximilian_Voss ,
Getting below error after installing command like "mvn clean install -P autoInstallPackage"
[ERROR] Errors:
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testCategoryPage:175 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testCategoryPageWithoutIdentifier:266 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testCategorySpecificPage:199 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testContentPages:121 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testNoGraphqlClient:276 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductNotFound:291 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductPage:134 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductPageWithCatalogPage:221 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductPageWithSku:242 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductPageWithoutIdentifier:256 NullPointer
[ERROR] BreadcrumbImplTest.testProductSpecificPage:158 NullPointer
[ERROR] Tests run: 192, Failures: 0, Errors: 11, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for AEM CIF Core Components Reactor 1.3.0:
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 8.938 s]
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Content Package for React Components SUCCESS [08:25 min]
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Content Package for apps . SUCCESS [08:17 min]
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Core Bundle .............. FAILURE [02:03 min]
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Examples Bundle .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Examples Application Package SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Examples Content Package . SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Examples All Package ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Examples Reactor ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - All ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components - Integration Tests ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] AEM CIF Core Components Reactor .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 19:17 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-09-30T14:01:50+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M3:test (default-test) on project core-cif-components-core: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nitin\AEM\aem-core-cif-components-core-cif-components-reactor-1.3.0\aem-core-cif-components-core-cif-components-reactor-1.3.0\bundles\core\target\surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[ERROR] Please refer to dump files (if any exist) [date].dump, [date]-jvmRun[N].dump and [date].dumpstream.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <args> -rf :core-cif-components-core
Please suggest what kind of thing are missing.
Thank you.
Hi @Maximilian_Voss ,
Due to below error as attached screenshot I'm unable to forward. One more thing I'm facing same problem from last couple of week.
Please help on it.
Thank you.