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Transferring data in bulk from a jsp to another in a custom Touch UI console


Former Community Member

I wanted to create a custom touch UI console.

I overlayed /libs/cq/core/content/nav/sites to  /apps/cq/core/content/nav/My-sites to add an addition option in the left navigation on Url - http://localhost:7502/projects.html

I wanted to perform a custom operation on the selection of page(s) on the above url.

Therefore I overlayed  the path /libs/wcm/core/content/sites/jcr:content/body/content/header/items/selection/items/ to /apps/wcm/core/content/mysites/jcr:content/body/content/header/items/selection/items/my-operation

By now I click on My-sites on the navigation and then select page(s) or site(s) and select the custom operation- "my-operation"

[img]Screenshot from 2016-04-28 11:57:41.png[/img]

now using this property

 href:uritemplate - /apps/wcm/core/content/mysites/myoppagewizard.html{+item}

Clicking on to my custom operation I move to a page at /apps/wcm/core/content/mysites/myoppagewizard  with the selected page(s) or site(s) as request parameters.

Now under this I need to make two sub consoles where I can navigate from one to another.

The first will show the selections I made and asks me to make few inputs and then travel with this data to the next console wherein I need the data entered on previous console for some manipulations and then display.

for this I tried to send the data from first console to the second console ( basically resourceType that maps to  jsp pages under /apps/cq/gui/components/siteadmin/admin/myoppagewizard using request attributes but it is unable to find the resource (the second console) and throws a 404 error )

so, I thought of creating a granite UI form on the first console and pass on the data using a POST operation the second console.( Is this approach correct? do I have a different way to transfer the data from one console to another( they are jsp mappings from resource types under myopppagewizard ?)

If I have to use a Granite UI form under /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form then how to proceed in that direction.

P.s - I am very new to using Granite UI and not very versed with the page structure and hierarchies that we use to make these Touch UI consoles.

Urgent help needed !!!

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