We are able to upload webp images in AEM Assets and are able to assign processing profiles. But we are unable to author the same webp image in core image component. I understand if we enable the "Enable Web Optimized Images" checkbox, the JPGs/PNGs can be processed through DM and rendered in webp format in the browser, but the webp image itself cannot be authored with Image component.
Secondly, while the upload of webp image is possible and local renditions are generated the processing in Dynamic Media fails with the error:
17.03.2023 20:09:24.546 [cm-p42408-e166538-aem-author-6f9bd6d466-2twrt] ERROR [sling-threadpool-e442a27c-e04b-4de4-b845-44309ab6b220-(com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.assetprocessor.assetprocessoreventhandler)-1] com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.senseisdk.SenseiSdkImpl Unable to process Sensei event due to failure. Reason: RenditionFormatUnsupported. Message: Format machine-metadata-json is not supported for webp files
This is causing double work for our client as they have to create both JPG and webp formats to support other legacy applications
Pl suggest
Tx, Prabu