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SPA root page not found, returning null


Level 2

Hello everyone,  Can you help me with an issue that I'm having


I am using AEMaaCS.


I have an experience fragment that I use across various pages and templates in AEMaaCS as header.


Now I have to make some changes to this experience fragment.


When I click on it to edit from the content tree, it shows up blank.


The other XF's are working fine.


The header XF which I want to edit is being rendered on all templates and pages that it is being used and also in the crx de. 


The below are the error logs


*INFO*  GET /content/experience-fragments/project1/expfragment/en/site/header/master.html HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.designer.SearchPathLimiter Search path limiter configured with searchPathLimiterFeatureToggleOn: true and searchPathThreshold: true.
*ERROR* GET /content/experience-fragments/project1/expfragment/en/site/header/master.html HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aem.spa.project.core.internal.impl.utils.HierarchyUtils SPA root page not found, returning null
*WARN* GET /content/experience-fragments/project1/expfragment/en/site/header/master.html HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.remote.content.renderer.impl.servlet.RemoteContentRendererRequestHandlerServlet Error while attempting to render content server-side: No RemoteContentRendererRequestHandler implementation for this request found, {}
com.adobe.cq.remote.content.renderer.RemoteContentRenderingException: No RemoteContentRendererRequestHandler implementation for this request found

5 Replies


Community Advisor


Level 2

I think the solution you shared works in case of pages. In my case, I'm encountering this error for the OOTB xf-web-variation template. 


The "is Root" checkbox seems to be applicable only for the SPA Root template which is letting the ModelManager know about the pages for which the JSON needs to be generated in the initial load of the page. However, I'm unable to understand how can apply this logic to the experience fragments. Any thoughts on this?


Level 9

When I click on it to edit from the content tree, it shows up blank  : Did you check the XP template structure or initial content if anything or is all the content getting rendered from the template's initial layout, Content tree will show content if it is part of the root container  


Level 2

The XF template structure and the initial content is empty. Also, the content tree is also empty.



@VaishnaviKa3 Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni