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Sightly component templates under /etc


Level 2


I am implementing an integration between AEM and an AngularJS SPA. The AngularJS application has to download the component templates as if they were static files under a unique path, let's say under /etc, /etc/templates/component1.html, /etc/templates/component2.html, etc.. Do you know whether I can put my component templates under /etc without loosing the context of my component properties?


Thank you!

2 Replies



Please have a look at this Helpx article covering Integration of AEM with AngularJs

Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem_angular21.html

Video :- https://youtu.be/X2M3MsdarMk


AEM Angular SPA

PPT:- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1seLzO0CNyFl7fZT9nJzQcfOqBKYXysEmIi5KB-tMRAk/pub?start=false&...

Code :- https://github.com/AdobeAtAdobe/aem-spa-example


We have Webinar coming on "Building responsive layouts in AEM using Bootstrap and Angular JS". It would be really nice to ask this question there as well.

Link:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...


Kautuk Sahni


Level 2


I read those articles and many implementations of AngularJS and AEM. But my use case is a slightly different. It's an SPA and I need to have all the component templates under a unique folder (e.g., /etc/templates/component1.html, /etc/templates/component2.html, etc.) and not loose the component's context (from component1, $properties.title should still work in component1.html).
