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Several questions on AEM Franklin


Level 9

Hi everyone, I hope you can help me with my questions. Thanks in advance.




So i created a new GIT repo based on this template => https://github.com/adobe-rnd/aem-boilerplate-xwalk.


1. I'm trying to find a detailed information on the 3 component-XXX.json files. I'm looking for the available properties and the property definitions but I'm not finding it. Can someone help?


2. What's the difference between the filter field in compont-definition.json VS component-filters.json?




3. I created a new site on my local AEMaaCS based on the template from https://github.com/adobe-rnd/aem-boilerplate-xwalk/releases. I had a look at the new folders/pages in CRXDE and I can see the resourceType for the components is pointing to something like "core/franklin/XXX/XXX". Where do I see this "core/franklin". I had a look at "/apps" and "/libs" and I cannot see them. 


4. In addition to no.3, I can see there are Franklin components like "core/franklin/components/title/v1/title". Is it possible to extend or create new components like what's possible in conventional AEM (example: /apps/mysite/components/product-listing). If yes, how?


1 Reply


Community Advisor

HI @jayv25585659 

Please find below 




2. component-definition.json file - definition for your new quote block and save the file.

component-filters.json file at the root of the project and add the quote block to the filter definition to allow the block to be added to any section
3.The components are available in AEMaaCS in libs core/franklin/XXX/XXX, you can't use local AEMaaCS SDK for EDS Authoring.
4. Technically you can but Adobe does not recommend that, All the atoms are available and you can use those to create another block.



Arun Patidar